Find relief with Matrix Repatterning
Matrix Repatterning treats both chronic and acute injuries. It can reduce pain and increase function, as well as positively influence many other systems of the body.
Matrix Repatterning can help with:
Concussion and post-concussion symptoms
Neck and shoulder pain
Back pain
Hip and knee pain
TMJ disorders
Menstrual pain
Trigeminal neuralgia
Post operative pain
What is Matrix Repatterning?
Matrix Repatterning is a gentle yet profound treatment that uses structural and bioelectric assessment to identify core injuries. The shape of the body is maintained by a balance of tension across its entire structure, like one continuous interconnected fabric. When one area of the body has an injury, it can affect other areas, causing restrictions and compensation in those other areas. These restrictions include bioelectric changes that can disrupt the flow of energy in the body and impede function. Over a series of sessions, using subtle manual therapy applied to the deeper structures of the body, Matrix Repatterning removes these restrictions, like the layers of an onion.
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About Holly Greene, RMT, CMRP:
Through her background as a performer and personal trainer, Holly has had a life-long interest in the human body. Originally from Montréal, she studied basic Swedish techniques at École de Massothérapie Adam. Here in Ontario, she graduated from the Royal Canadian College of Massage Therapy and is a member in good standing with the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO). Holly is a Certified Matrix Repatterning Practitioner.
What to expect
The first session of Matrix Repatterning is 90 minutes and includes an in-depth assessment and health history interview as well as a mini treatment. Based on this initial assessment, Holly will recommend a treatment plan. Most people experience significant improvement in function and reduction of pain in 8-12 appointments.